Tribute from Hillel Steiner
Hi John,
I’ve just learned of your very shocking news – doubly shocking to me, as I’d been completely unaware of your being ill.
I’m sure that, like others in the deluge of messages you’re bound to be receiving, I hardly know what to say. So I just want to add my voice to all those others that are expressing their admiration for you and for the work you’ve done. Ever since our paths first crossed nearly 30 years ago (at a stressful DPhil viva where you and I were the examiners!), I’ve greatly looked forward to occasions when they would cross again.
I very much hope that you are as comfortable as possible in these sad circumstances. Needless to say, if there’s anything I can possibly do, by way of assistance with the tasks you’ve set yourself over the next while, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Fondly yours,