John Gardner at Home

Tribute from Bob Marshall

Dear Jenny

I was so sorry to hear of John's death last Thursday. I felt so fortunate to have seen him on the oncology ward the week before. We had a wonderful chat for 15 minutes or so, and he was telling me all about his new book, showing me the cover photo which the publishers had just sent him, and relating his concerns for you and your children after he had gone.

I feel incredibly privileged to have looked after him over the last 9 months. I can only hope that if I ever face a similar illness, I am able to approach it with even half of the grace, humour and positivity with which he did. He was a very special man, and I can only imagine the gap which has been left in the lives of yourself and your children. My thoughts are with you Jenny, as well as your family at this sad time.

With all my very best wishes.
