Memories from Launcelot Henderson
Dear Jenny,
Thank you so very much for this news about John, and the lovely pictures.
It is all sad beyond words, but adversity can also bring out the best in people – and I am left in awe and admiration at the way in which John and you and your family are coping with it all, and making the best of the time that is left. I was very struck by what you said when we spoke at Tony Honoré’s memorial, about the privilege of looking after a dying person and the importance of remaining positive and cheerful – so brave, and so true, and so perfectly exemplified by you. Given that we all have to depart this life some time, John is doing so at the height of his powers, surrounded by love and gratitude for all his magnificent achievements, and with the best possible medical care, and leaving a loving wife and children who will remember him as husband and father for years to come – so there is indeed much to be grateful for, as well as much to mourn.
I wish you and John and the children the strength to make the most of the time that is left, and send you all my love,