Tribute from John Goldberg
Hi John,
I’m writing just to say “hi” and to wish you the very best as you deal with your illness. I was very happy to learn from Jenny’s recent email that you managed to finish your class and your tort theory book, and even more happy to see the photos of you, your family’s, and your students’ happy faces. I deeply regret not being able to see you in person, but hope that you appreciate how much you and your work mean to me and to a world of scholars and students. Just this past semester, a group of law profs and philosophers met regularly at HLS to discuss “From Personal Life to Private Law.” Thanks to your wonderful book, it was a terrifically enjoyable and edifying experience. Perhaps it is some comfort (if comfort is needed) to know that you and your ideas will be in our hearts and minds far into the future.
May your days be filled with peace and love.