John Gardner at Home

Memories from Uttara Natarajan (with Ravi and Sahana Natarajan)

Dear John,

I know you're surrounded by family and close friends of many years' standing, and it seems a little presumptuous for me to write. But the friendship between our families grew so quickly in the last year. Before your diagnosis, you and Jenny and Audra had already become so much a part of our lives. We have had the great privilege of getting to know you - I've loved your company, your conversation, and your cooking. And I've loved cooking for you! In all this sunny weather, each time I look out at my garden, I remember the idyllic evening we all spent together in it last May, eating dosas and samosas, and relaying our roses and thorns to each other. And I also remember that Sahana wrote 'John the Brave' on your name tag at the table when you came round to ours once for a meal.

So I just wanted to write and let you know that we are thinking of you - your tremendous courage and your spirit - with admiration and love,

Uttara (and Ravi and Sahana)